K-Laser Success Story #8
This case is about a puppy that had escaped under the owner's fence on December 3rd. When it returned to the owners it had the wound on its paw. We anesthetized the dog in order to clip, flush, and clean the wound. A portion of toe bone was exposed. There was some concern about vascularization (blood supply), so a small portion of the flap was removed. We sutured and stapled the remaining wound, and gave the dog an injectable antibiotic.
3 weeks from first wound to resolution.

The wound was wrapped, and the owners returned a few days later for a recheck. A greater portion of the flap was devitalized and the body was getting rid of it. We started laser light therapy on 12/8 after cleaning the wound.
12/9 #2
12/11 #3
12/15 #4
12/19 #5
12/23 #6
12/29 #7